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Enriching Year 6 English

Web 2.0 Tool: Glogster

Why use Glogster?

Watch this YouTube clip to find out why Glogster should be used as a teaching and learning tool.

What is Glogster?

Watch this YouTube clip to find out about Glogster.

Who recommends this Web 2.0 Tool?

Watch this YouTube clip to find out why Discovery Education recommends it as a teaching and learning tool.

Basically, Glogster and Glogster EDU are Web 2.0 tools and social networks that allow users to develop and be creative in making interactive, digital posters or 'Glogs' (Graphics Blog). A range of digital media are used and these include audio, video, images, text, photos, and many more. 

Glogster and Glogster EDU have a few differences in that Glogster only allows for one account to be made and is a public account. Whereas, with Glogster EDU an account can hold multiple users - great for teachers and students.

Click the image below to interact with an example Glogster designed for an English lesson of examining literature for year 6 students.

This Glogster is designed around the Chapter Book - Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. Students are to engage in this Glog by looking at videos, images and website links to develop an understanding around the text and also its accompanying film.

Students begin to develop understandings of identifying similarities and differences within literature and focus specifically on characterisation, narrative theme and points of view.

How can Glogster be used within the classroom?

Glog away and develop your own Glogster!!

You now have an understanding of the Web 2.0 Tool - Glogster. Why not take the time to interact with this fun and creative resource and consider its place within the teaching and learning of English and other learning areas.

Click on the image below to go to the Glogster website, sign-up for free and start glogging.

Please take the time to comment on your thoughts and ideas about the Web 2.0 Tool - Glogster in the comment box below using a Plus/Minus/Interesting (PMI) Framework or by answering one or more of the following discussion questions. 

1. How does Glogster enrich English teaching and learning?

2. Could this Web 2.0 Tool be used in a different teaching and learning context? Why/why not?

3. Are there any  challenges facing the integration of this Web 2.0 Tool in the classroom?

Glogster Poll

Now, what do you think about Glogster?

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